Last month I had the honor to be one of the speakers at the event in Stuttgart. My session was focussed on the personal level of entre- and intrapreneurship and how knowing yourself, building a network over time and getting started as soon as possible is the key to success. I shared some very […]
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12 minutes of inspiration: Vom Star zum Sternchen

Why we need more founders and entrepreneurship in Baden-Wuerttemberg
Last weekend I had the pleasure to keynote at the Yeeha! Gründungskongress in Stuttgart. An event organized by Enterpreneur Talente e.V. – a foundation focussing on motivating young people to consider an entrepreneurial career. I used this opportunity to talk about my own entrepreneurial journey so far – with all the personal and professional ups […]

SXSW 2015 – A brief overview about what we found interesting
Eleftherios aka Lefti had the opportunity to fly to Austin, Texas, for SXSW 2015. It was his 3rd time in the last 4 years. This time he was part of a delegation representing the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg along with 9 more companies/startups. The beautiful thing about SXSW besides tons of great sessions to attend is […]

Dead or Alive – The 7 Deadly Sins of Marketers on Facebook
Eleftherios Hatziioannou – founder of Peopleizers – was invited to open the AllThingsFacebook conference in Budapest (Hungary) in March 2014. In his very insightful keynote he shared many personal stories including how he got started on Facebook and how he became a change agent helping startups and global player brands to make their way into […]

Some thoughts on the current debate about Facebook’s death and why this won’t happen anytime soon
In the past few weeks I hear and read more and more questionable stories about Facebook’s death ahead. There have been a series of articles on leading media outlets spreading the word about Facebook’s death – probably because they don’t have anything better to report on. Time magazine and The Guardian have written about this […]

Gurcles kick off 2014 – Live Q&A with Brian Solis
One thing about kicking of the year with such a great guest is that it sets the bar quite high. But it doesn’t matter – we love the challenge! Brian Solis is a digital strategist, futurist and author of several books. He is also Principal Analyst at Altimeter – a leading consulting and research company. […]