Eleftherios Hatziioannou – founder of Peopleizers – was invited to open the AllThingsFacebook conference in Budapest (Hungary) in March 2014. In his very insightful keynote he shared many personal stories including how he got started on Facebook and how he became a change agent helping startups and global player brands to make their way into […]
Tag Archives: Conferences

Dead or Alive – The 7 Deadly Sins of Marketers on Facebook

Next keynote coming up at the 25th Social Media Night in Stuttgart
The Social Media Club Stuttgart organizes monthly meetups for social media professionals. The venue is the Mercedes-Benz Museum which is a great stage for such events. Each month over 200 attendees gather to hear the latest news from the new/social media world and to exchange ideas and share experiences. Stuttgart is also known for its […]

SXSW 2013 – Our key take aways, trends and conclusions
We had the pleasure to be at SXSW 2013 in Austin, Texas. For those who don’t know SXSW, it’s probably the coolest event in the tech and new media scene right now. It started as music/film festival and for several years includes an interactive part, too. Thousands of geeks, tech and new media companies, startups […]

Interview for IN Business Cyprus December edition: “Listen to Social media. And never stop Listening!”
Eleftherios had the pleasure to answer some interesting questions prior to his appearance at the 9th Marketing Forum in Cyprus which will take place on Friday Dec 7th, 2012. The article you see above has been translated into Greek. You will find the full set of questions and answers here: IN Business: Which role play […]

Let´s get over it! It`s not about us (the Marketers and PR Pros) – it´s about embracing all voices out there
Watch video here: PR Managers Creating Circles with Customers and Stakeholders We – the Marketers and PR Pros – have to understand that the world has changed and that we have to adapt to these changes. Companies are like open books. We cannot control our images anymore, at least not to the extend it was possible […]

Follow-up interview after DIGGIT. Marketing Magazin Slovenia asks a few questions about the digital native, the mobile boom and how to move forward.
Eleftherios was asked to answer a few short questions following up my keynote presentation at DIGGIT 2012. We are more than happy to share this exclusive interview with you first. It will be published in a Slovenian publication shortly. Be the first to read Lefti`s answers: Marketing Magazin (MM): At DIGGIT you spoke about the influence […]

Slovenian portal Siol.net interviews Lefti about traditional vs. new media and marketing (English version)
TS Media is a Slovenian media group and they sponsor the Diggit conference which will take place next week. They reached out to us to do an exclusive interview of Lefti about traditional vs. new marketing and media. The interview was published in Slovenia today on the popular news portal Siol.net. The interview was conducted […]